You're Now An Exclusive Actor!
Over the next few days you'll receive a series of emails as we begin to prepare everything for you. Please be aware that some of these emails will contain additional steps that you will need to take so we can get started on building an awesome acting website for you as soon as possible. Please read all emails we send you carefully. IMPORTANT: Please take 2 minutes to add [email protected] to your email address book to reduce the chances of important emails from us going into your spam folder. If your email service or program has the ability, add this email addresses to a "whitelist", or set up rules that allow you to say "emails from this sender should never be marked as spam". |
24/7 - 365 DAY SUPPORT:
Congratulations, we have just assigned 'Amy Taylor' as your personal 'Client Happiness Consultant'. Amy is one of our senior client support team members who has been with us since the beginning. Her knowledge, passion to help, and her fun and quirky personality is what makes her an outstanding 'Client Happiness Consultant'. Amy will be in contact with you soon by email to say hi and welcome you. Amy will be your direct contact point for 'The Exclusive Actor', and she is there to assist you in any way you require. Once your website is built and live online, you will receive an email giving you access to our 24/7 - 365 Day Support Center, where you will find loads of help. From answers to our most common questions, in addition to detailed 'Step-by-Step User Guides' for our D.I.Y Site Editor, so you can update your website when it best suits you. |
Great news! Our Website Design Ninja's have just started working on putting together basics for your acting website. But they need your help. They need to know more about you so they can make your website a truly personal branding experience. We've sent you an email with details, and you can get started on this when you have 15 minutes to answer the questions. They won't be able to put together any content for your site or fully build it until you reach out to them via that email. So grab a coffee and let's build something great! |
Amy, your 'Client Happiness Consultant' is currently preparing your account. She will provide you with log in details for your exclusive 'Client Portal' and your own 'D.I.Y Site Editor' once your website is live and online. Amy will email you those details which will include instructions on how you can set-up your password and access your 'Client Portal' and make changes and update your site with new demo reels and so on, when you need to via your own 'D.I.Y Site Editor'. |
We have just emailed you a payment receipt for your website's set-up and design fees. You will also receive a payment receipt each month for your hosting and management fees. You won't be charged your month-to-month hosting fees until your website is live online, or thirty days from today (what ever comes first). Your payments with us will appear on your credit or debit card statement as: 'THE EXCLUSIVE ACTOR'. IMPORTANT: As our credit card processor is an international processor, you might see an additional charge (a 'Foreign Transaction Fee') on your credit or debit card statement next to (or under) your payments to us. This is not charged by us, but is charged by your bank. We know this sucks, and because we don't want you to pay more then you have to, we have already updated your payments with us to reflect a further 3% discount to adjust for the fee. So while the fee might still be charged, we have reduced your payments, to make sure you are not actually paying more than you should. We are currently working with our credit card processor on building a system to ensure this does not happen, and we hope to offer a solution to our clients in mid 2017. We are sorry for any confusion this may cause, but please know we find this highly frustrating also. Also note that because of this charge, you may see what you think is two payments on your statement from us, but we have not charged you twice. One of these is actually an Authorization and has not actually debited any funds from your card. This Authorization is once again issued by your bank. This Authorization may last on your statement for us to seven days, but will then disappear, and will not affect your account balance in any way, it is simply a banking record note from your bank, until our merchant has fully collected the funds. You can read more about Authorization charges here. |
Client Portal & Site Editor
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